Are you looking for real Science backed answers to gut health issues? Let me help you optimize and heal your digestion concerns.
I specializes in creating personalized food sensitivity testing and micronutrient evaluation based blood lab science.
This will help you discover the root cause of any gut health issues.
Feel free to call today to discuss any questions that you may have about this process.
Functional Medicine looks at the total person and their unique biochemical responses to the environment, dietary intake, vitamin supplements, prescription medicines and functional medicine lab diagnosis. With the proper, focused guidance, our daily diet can be altered to include foods that will assist in our healing process. Part of the goal with balanced, holistic nutrition is to strengthen and harmonize the digestive system and properly identify specific food sensitivities, so that the body can efficiently assimilate food intake.
When this goal is achieved a number of things begin to happen: you will start to naturally achieve a healthy body weight without dieting, your food allergies will be eliminated, and your mood, energy and hormones levels will improve. My personal philosophy is that nutrition is the foundation for our health!
Chandra is certified in Applied Clinical Nutrition, offering cutting edge Functional Medicine lab consulting, nutritional counseling, diet, and lifestyle modifications for optimal health and healing.
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