Finding the underlying cause of thyroid conditions isn’t always an easy task. In most cases, finding the culprit comes down to the functioning of your digestive system, adrenal glands, your immune system, and your sexual hormones.
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Learn more about how you can optimize your thyroid health and how diet and lifestyle can cause or influence thyroid conditions as well as suggested vitamin and supplement treatments.
Digestive System
Poor digestion leads to an array of health problems in the body. It really does make sense when you think about it, as we need to consume the proper nutrients and minerals in order to maintain the health of every cell and tissue in our body.
Most people have a tendency to overlook common digestive issues, which serve as warning signs that we are not eating the proper foods, and thus are not getting the proper nutrients. For example, frequent bloating and gas is not normal, yet many people tend to ignore these signs, moreover, stomach pains are often disregarded as nothing more than “heartburn” or “overeating”.
Some my people have “leaky gut”, which is damage to the intestinal lining, and this often times, triggers an autoimmune response, leading to conditions such as Hypothyroidism and/or Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. SOme of the causes of digestive issues are food allergies, H. Pylori, parasites.
The gallbladder is important to digestion, as it plays a huge role with regards to the flow of bile, and bile emulsifies the fats and oils which you have eaten, making it easier to be digested. Gallbladder conditions are common, particularly among women. Although having a gallbladder condition won’t necessarily lead to a thyroid condition, however, having a gallbladder problem can make one’s thyroid symptoms much worse. Common symptoms of gallbladder problems include bloating, gas, and strong stomach pain (specifically on the right side of the body), with these symptoms are typically experienced after eating.
Adrenal Glands
Weak adrenal glands can lead to a thyroid condition. A saliva test kit (ASI) is the best way to determine Adrenal function.
Chronic stress and insufficient sleep patterns can be huge contributing factors too. Both of which have an effect on the hormone cortisol, which the adrenal glands secrete.
The actual stress itself isn’t the problem; it’s how we handle the stress. As most don’t do a good job of managing stress, and this again will cause the adrenal glands to secrete excess cortisol.
For someone who has a thyroid condition and wants to restore their health back to normal, it is essential to address any issues with the adrenal glands. While one can definitely provides some adrenal support (in the form of nutritional supplements and herbs), eating well and managing stress is key to healing.
Immune System
An autoimmune thyroid condition means that one has a compromised immune system, which needs to be addressed in order to restore their thyroid health back to normal.
Once again, treating this comes down to changing certain lifestyles and incorporating nutritional supplements and herbs Just visiting your local health food or nutrition store and purchasing some antioxidants or an immune system support formula isn’t going to do be enough.
Sex Hormones
Sexual hormones play a big role in the development and/or exacerbation of a thyroid condition. One of the most common conditions involving an imbalance of the sex hormones is estrogen dominance, which involves the hormones estrogen and progesterone.
There can, of course, be an imbalance in other sex hormones as well. This is why anyone with a thyroid or autoimmune thyroid condition who is suspected of having a hormone imbalance should obtain a complete male hormone panel. So, in addition to evaluating progesterone and estrogen, other hormones to look at include testosterone, DHEA, as well as the pituitary hormones LH and FSH. Since hormones interact with one another, one can’t just look at one or two hormones and determine the person’s state of health based on these findings. And by the way, you can’t rely on blood tests when looking at these levels because they measure the bound form of the hormone, and not the free form. This is why most holistic doctors prefer saliva testing, as the saliva only contains the free form of the hormone.